Deliverables: What to Expect From a Project Discovery Team?

Discover what to expect from a project discovery team and how their deliverables can drive your project's success. Learn about key outcomes like scope documents, requirements specifications, risk assessments, and more.

#product launch #project deliverables #project discovery #project management #project scope #prototypes #requirements #risk assessment #Software development #technical feasibility #wireframes

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Embarking on any new project has to begin with the right foundation. In software development or during a new product launch, we call this foundational level the project discovery phase. The importance of this stage lies in its research and proper planning of software projects, which lays the groundwork, identifies risks, and establishes clear goals. But what can you expect regarding outcomes or deliverables from a project discovery team?

These project deliverables not only clarify the project’s path but also estimate the requirements and tangible tools that ensure the project’s success. Having an in-depth understanding of project deliverables and their importance to your project can lead to success.

We will discuss deliverables in project management and explore how they play a pivotal role in the project discovery process.

What Are Deliverables in Project Management?

Deliverables in project management are the bedrock of successful project development. They are the tangible or intangible products, results, or outcomes produced as part of a project that benchmarks quality and progress.

These can range from reports, designs, and prototypes to software components or products. You create deliverables along the way, building up to the project goal. Deliverables are the key to keeping everyone focused and committed toward their primary goal.

So when someone asks about the deliverables in your project development, they are referring to the essential components that ensure your project is moving forward, on time, and within budget. These project deliverables fall into internal and external categories. The team and stakeholders directly benefit from the internal deliverables, while the client or end-user typically receives the external deliverables.A project management board filled with sticky notes detailing various project deliverables, tasks, and deadlines.

The Discovery Phase Deliverables—Key Beneficial Outcomes

Project team members gather information about the project development and identify risks during the project discovery phase to ensure a shared understanding of the goals.

This process will yield various project management deliverables that provide crucial insights into the project’s direction and feasibility. But what exactly should you expect from a discovery team regarding deliverables? Let’s explore the essential outcomes.

#1 Project Scope Document

The project scope document is an essential deliverable that ensures a project’s success. This document unambiguously establishes the boundaries of a project and specifies the inclusions and exclusions. Additionally, it lists the goals, requirements, and constraints or limitations.

This deliverable is important because it helps mitigate misunderstandings as the project lifecycle progresses. Additionally, it guarantees that all team members, including the project manager and technical team members, are in agreement with the project’s deliverables.

#2 Requirements Specification

The project discovery team gathers requirements and sets expectations for the project development in a specification document. This deliverable provides a detailed breakdown of the project’s functional and non-functional needs.

The project plan and implementation rely on this deliverable, which defines what the product must do, how it will perform, and its constraints. A requirement specification is essential as it sets the foundation for the development, design, and process during product discovery. With clear and concise requirements, teams can avoid scope creep, delays, and cost overruns.An orange binder labeled 'Project' sits on a desk with a bar chart, pen, and calculator, representing project deliverables and planning

#3 Risk Assessment

This deliverable aims to identify what project tasks or events could impact the project’s success. A risk assessment details the potential risks identified during the discovery phase, analyzes their consequences, and provides strategies for mitigating them should they occur.

A risk assessment deliverable allows project teams to plan for potential roadblocks before they become full-blown problems. Project teams can incorporate proactive measures for problem-solving, ensuring smooth project progress and successful completion, by identifying these risks early in the project discovery phase.

#4 Technical Feasibility Report

Another key deliverable from the discovery phase is a technical feasibility report. This document accesses the technical resources for project development and evaluates whether the project’s technical aspects are achievable within the organization’s resources, technology, and time constraints.

For instance, in a software project, the deliverable will involve analyzing the compatibility of different software systems, their integration challenges, and hardware limitations.

Understanding the technical feasibility during the discovery phase allows project managers to avoid expensive costs, estimate budgets, and allocate resources. It also helps them set realistic expectations for project timelines and deliverables.

#5 Wireframes and Prototypes

Wireframes and prototypes are essential deliverables for various software developments and many types of products. The initial design concepts during the project discovery process provide the project team with a comprehensive view and understanding of how the end product will look and function.Image showing project deliverables status with three columns of colored blocks: red with X marks for incomplete, yellow with exclamation marks for pending, and green with check marks for completed.

These deliverables hold significant value in product discovery techniques. Why? They serve as instruments for verifying assumptions and testing user flows, guaranteeing that the product’s designs correspond with user requirements.

A prototype can prompt the discovery of various flaws during product development, from usability issues to design flaws. This enables the project team to provide adjustments and improvements to these areas before development begins.

How We Can Help

At North South Tech, we know project discovery deliverables matter. We know from experience that well-documented outcomes can help projects succeed and save time and money. Our strategy emphasizes thorough deliverables that underpin your project.

We specialize in precise scope documents, requirement specifications, risk assessments, and technical feasibility reports. We utilize these tools to ensure that expectations are aligned and to identify potential obstacles before they become obstacles.

Our research process uncovers your project’s subtleties, ensuring that everyone understands the road forward. We prevent costly surprises and ensure a smooth project lifetime by engaging in extensive exploration.

Let’s talk about how our discovery services can help you launch your next project. Our website lets you schedule a consultation to discuss how we can meet your needs.


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