We make your products exceptional, uncover new opportunities, and drive growth. 




What Is Product Discovery?

Product discovery is the initial step in product development. At this phase, we research and validate ideas for developing a solution that meets our client’s market demands.

We understand that the journey from a brilliant idea to a successful product is filled with challenges and uncertainties. Our Product Discovery Service is designed to help you navigate this journey with confidence.

The discovery phase kickstarts software projects, aligning goals and resources before design begins. Its core purpose is to gather crucial data, define requirements, and dissect client business needs. This process delivers three key outcomes:
1. Precise project timelines and cost estimates

2. A clear product vision with detailed specifications

3. Mapped user experiences and workflows

What Is Product Discovery?

Market research and competitive advantage strategies

Why Does Your Business Need Product Discovery Solutions

🎯 1 Understand Client’s Needs 

Understanding potential users’ needs, pains, and goals is important before committing to projects. This allows you to tailor your products or services to align with real market demands and build creative solutions that resonate with your target audience.

🎯 2 Know How Best to Design the Product 

Implementing product discovery strategies fosters innovation in a company. Your teams will be pushed to think outside the box and explore various possibilities. It builds creativity and leads to remarkable ideation and outstanding products. This positions you to secure more business opportunities and stay ahead of the competition.

🎯 3 Set Clear Budget and Timelines

A thorough product discovery process helps nail down realistic budgets and timelines right from the start. By getting clear on what customers really need, businesses can smartly plan their resources and schedules, and reduce unwanted surprises down the road.

🎯 4 Mitigate Market Risks

Conducting in-depth market research helps you dodge the risk of creating a product nobody wants. This way, companies avoid making costly mistakes and significant waste of resources.

🎯 5 Gain Competitive Advantage

For a business to thrive, it must always be ahead of competitors. Conducting research and analyzing market trends and gaps during the discovery phase helps make informed decisions. Leveraging this proactive measure to create unique solutions will enhance your company’s market position.

Why Does Your Business Need Product Discovery Solutions

Regulatory compliance in healthcare solutions

How It Works

1.  Initial interview with business stakeholder (owner)

At the beginning of a product discovery session, we will conduct an in-depth interview with you. This is important to help us gain a clear understanding of the challenges your client’s business faces and your expectations for the project.

2. Homework – analyze received information from previous activities

We  analyze the information collected to identify patterns, gaps and opportunities in the entire process. Our team will go through your business clients’ relevant data, such as market research and user feedback, to create a solid base for the project. 


How It Works

Technical architecture for the technology industry

3. Define the list of crucial functionalities to resolve/automate/optimize operational tasks

Next, your team is provided with a comprehensive understanding of the business needs, which they need to define a list of crucial functionalities that the product must have. Critical requirements are the essential functionalities or features that a software application must have to meet its core objectives and provide value to users. This ensures that you:

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of business needs
  • solve user pain points and provide a product that is user-friendly and intuitive
  • Discover the most valuable features for the software project eg payment processing for your e-commerce site
  • Define a list of crucial functionalities the product must have

This collaborative process involves:

  • Creating user stories to capture requirements from the end-user perspective (User stories show you the feature of your product from the perspective of an end user).
  • Prioritizing features based on business impact and user value
  • Identifying critical requirements for the minimum viable product (MVP)

As a result, you enjoy these key benefits:

  • An end-product that addresses real world business challenges
  • You deliver a solution with real value and improved productivity
  • You project aligns development efforts with user needs and business goals

The result is a well-defined roadmap for a product that meets core business needs while maximizing return on investment.



defining functional requirements

4. Build clickable wireframes for main features and flows

We create wireframes for the main features. The purpose of wire framing is to enable you interact with the basic product version through a visual representation of its user flows and main features.

Wireframes serve as blueprints for your app, emphasizing layout and functionality without design details. In contrast, mockups are image templates that show a more polished visual representation of your software or app, highlighting colors and typography to visualize the final product.

Both are important: wireframes enable early feedback on functionality, while mockups refine the visual aspects before development.



wireframes and mockups created by the design team


5. Form the scope for project phases

After refining the wireframes, the team works on forming the project’s scope, breaking down the development process into manageable phases. This approach helps with risk mitigation and managing resources efficiently.

By clearly defining each phase, the team can set realistic milestones and deliverables, ensuring a smoother development process. It also allows for better communication with stakeholders, providing clear expectations and opportunities for feedback at each stage.


critical requirements for software development

6. Define technical solutions and stack

Getting access to the right technical architecture will ensure you develop products that are functional, secure, scalable, and maintainable in the long run. Choosing the appropriate tech stack also impacts development speed, performance, and future flexibility of the product.

It’s crucial to consider factors like the team’s expertise, project requirements, and long-term business goals when making these technical decisions.


Technical architecture for the technology industry

7. Provide project estimates

The final stage in the product discovery process is providing a project estimate, which includes timelines, costs, and resource allocation. This estimate is based on the defined scope, technical solutions, and expected complexities.

Accurate estimates help set realistic expectations for all parties involved and serve as a baseline for project tracking. They also facilitate informed decision-making about budget allocation and help identify potential areas where adjustments might be needed before development begins.

Customer-centric product discovery process


with North South Tech


A product discovery session is the first step in product development. We research and validate ideas to create solutions that meet market demands. This process helps identify weak points and minimize risks, leading to more efficient and successful products.

Product discovery helps mitigate risks by understanding users’ needs before starting projects, avoiding costly mistakes. It enhances innovation by encouraging teams to explore new ideas. This process also ensures a customer-centric approach and provides a competitive advantage by analyzing market trends and gaps.

Our product discovery solutions are versatile and can be tailored for various industries, including technology, healthcare, manufacturing, finance, and retail. We help these industries develop innovative products that meet specific market demands and regulatory standards.

We offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality, a global talent pool, and customized solutions tailored to your business needs. Our AI-driven tools provide advanced analytics and predictive modeling, and our customer-centric focus ensures that the final product aligns with your expectations and market needs.

We offer comprehensive product discovery services, including in-depth research, customer feedback integration, and competitive analysis. Our solutions are customized to meet your business goals, ensuring high efficiency and a strong return on investment.

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