Mobile App Development: Own Your Code vs Use a Platform

There are a number of things to take into account while deciding on a mobile app development route. With many businesses racing to create innovative apps to solve problems, provide entertainment, and streamline

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There are a number of things to take into account while deciding on a mobile app development route. With many businesses racing to create innovative apps to solve problems, provide entertainment, and streamline operations, you need to make key decisions concerning the underlying code that powers your app.

Do you own your code or use a pre-built platform to develop your mobile app? Understand that each of these options has pros and cons to ensure the long-term success of your app.

In this article, we will break down what it means to own your code and use a platform for mobile development. We will also weigh their pros and cons, so that if you work with a mobile app development company or take a more DIY approach, you can make the right decision for your app.

Understanding the Differences Between Owning Your Code vs Using a Platform for Your App Development

Businesses have two choices when starting a mobile app development project. You either build completely from scratch or you leverage a development platform. But how do these methods help your app succeed?

Own Your Code

Owning Your Code entails having app developers or a mobile app development agency custom-build your app’s source code for your project. In other words, the code belongs entirely to you. On a bank slate, you start building from the ground up, from architecture to design and functionality.

This approach does not depend on third-party apps or systems, and you can customize or modify the line of code to meet your specific requirements as needed. Larger enterprises or entrepreneurs with unique requirements often favor custom mobile app development.A circular digital display with the text "LOW CODE PLATFORM" glowing brightly in the center.

Use a Platform

Alternatively, you can use the least complex path and leverage a ready-made platform for app development. These platforms provide a foundation of pre-built templates, infrastructures, and modules that you can use to build apps quickly and efficiently without writing every line of code from scratch. 

You just need to configure the platform’s components to your needs. These platforms are attractive options for businesses with limited budget and technical resources because they reduce the time and complexity involved in app development. So, what’s the catch? Let us examine the benefits and drawbacks of each strategy in more detail.

Own Your Code vs Use a Platform—Pros and Cons

Deciding between owning your code and using a platform comes down to balancing flexibility, cost, and long-term control. Both approaches have their pros and cons, and what works best depends on your specific needs and goals for the app.

Pros of Owning Your Code

  • Complete Control and Customization

App developers can customize their apps’ looks and functions when they own the code. For your complex apps, you can also tailor features to your exact specifications.

  • Scalability and Flexibility

Custom-built codes can scale with your business growth; because of the flexibility they provide, you can easily make modifications and enhancements without limitations. You can easily add features and seamlessly integrate with third-party tools.

  • No Reliance on Third Parties

When the code is yours, you won’t need to rely on any external service or platform to succeed. You are not at the mercy of a platform’s updates or potential shutdowns. You can also change app developers without worrying about platform compatibility. A laptop with a search bar floating above it. The search bar has a magnifying glass icon and a cursor hovering over the search field, suggesting the act of searching

Cons of Owning Your Code

  • A Higher Initial Cost

Building your app from scratch will require huge upfront investments. Typically, these custom mobile app development services require you to hire skilled app developers and purchase software licenses, which can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars or more.

  • A Longer Development Time

Building an app from scratch takes 4-5x longer than the time it would take you to use a platform. Before you will perform custom coding, testing, and debugging, just expect that the development process could take months or even years, depending on the app’s complexity.

Pros of Using a Platform

  • Lower Development Cost

The cost associated with using a development platform is more cost-effective than owning your code. The upfront fee and ongoing costs are lower compared to custom software development. Also, you get access to leverage existing templates, tools, and features, which reduces the cost of building the app. 

  • Faster Time-to-Market

You can get your apps into the market faster with the pre-built solutions that development platforms offer. This quick launch gives you an advantage because it allows you to capture market opportunities and meet deadlines more efficiently.

  • Automatic Updates and Maintenance

With a development platform, you don’t need to worry about maintenance, as the platform providers take care of it all. This means they handle app store updates, bug fixes, security, and improvements to reduce your workload. Two wooden figures standing on a yellow background, representing the roles of Development (DEV) and Operations (OPS) in mobile app development

Cons of Using a Platform

  • Limited Customization

Most platforms that provide pre-built templates and modules might not provide options for customization. If your app requires a specific feature that doesn’t align with the platform’s capabilities or the app itself doesn’t allow it, you may encounter difficulties.

  • Dependency on the Platform Provider

Using a platform automatically ties your app’s future to the development platform that powers it. This is because you are dependent on that provider. Should the platform go out of business or change its pricing structure, you might have to migrate your app. This could be time-consuming, expensive, and even affect your app. 

  • Security Risks


Hackers frequently choose platforms because they are widely used by developers. Because you are not the developer platform owner, you may not control security and policies. Given the volume of sensitive user data your app manages, this could pose a significant risk.

How to Make the Right Choice for Your Mobile App Development

We have seen the benefits and drawbacks of these two mobile app development approaches, but now the question remains: how do you make the right choice? The complexity of your app, your budget, your timeline, and your long-term vision are the key factors that determine whether you should own your code or use a platform. Here’s how to approach the decision:

Consider the Complexity of Your App

Carefully analyze the complexity of your app before you select it. For complex apps that require specialized features, intricate integrations, or a unique user experience, you can consider owning the code. Custom mobile app development gives you complete control over your app’s functionality and design. 

This is important to ensure high performance and scalability for these complex apps. However, if you are developing a straightforward e-commerce or informational app, development is a cost-effective option that ensures your app reaches the market quickly.A pair of hands holding up two wooden squares. One square has a green checkmark, and the other has a red X. This image can represent the concept of making a choice or decision

Evaluate Your Budget and Timeline

Your budget is another consideration to keep in mind. How much are you looking to invest in mobile app development? Platforms are suitable options for businesses that have a tight budget and slim deadlines requiring them to launch quickly. 

Many startups, small businesses, and even medium-sized enterprises turn to platforms when speed and cost are top priorities. On the other hand, if you have the budget and can afford a longer development cycle, owning your code gives you the flexibility to create a tailored solution that can evolve as your business grows.

Think About Long-Term Growth and Control

If your app is a long-term investment with the expectation of continuous updates and scaling, owning the code will give you the freedom to evolve it as needed. A mobile app development company specializing in custom projects can help you create a scalable foundation for future growth. However, if your app is a temporary project or if you don’t expect the need for extensive customization down the road, a platform might suffice.

Assess Your Team’s Technical Expertise

If you have a skilled mobile app developer or team in place, custom development might be the way to go. The technical expertise of your team will allow for ongoing maintenance and updates. If you don’t have the internal resources, partnering with a mobile app development services provider can help fill that gap.

For non-technical teams or businesses without the resources to hire app developers, platforms offer a simplified solution that doesn’t require extensive coding knowledge.A glowing blue computer monitor icon surrounded by lines of code on a dark background. This image can represent the development and coding of mobile apps, highlighting the technological aspects of the process.

How We Can Help

North South Tech understands that mobile app development is complex. We have worked with everything from simple e-commerce systems to big, feature-rich apps.
We will like to collaborate with you to understand your project’s needs, timeline, and budget. This collaborative approach assures a solution matched to your company goals, whether you need full code ownership or speedy platform-based deployment.
Our developers are skilled at both designing apps from scratch and maximizing existing platforms. We’ll help you choose by discussing long-term scalability, maintenance, and potential drawbacks.
Looking for the greatest mobile app path? Talk about your project. Contact us to book a free consultation. We want to help you develop your app.


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