E-Commerce Website Development Case Study: Taste of Adriatic

We’ve always displayed our capacity for breaking heights at North South Tech. That’s why when this project approached us, we were eager to jump at it. After all, how often do you get

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We’ve always displayed our capacity for breaking heights at North South Tech. That’s why when this project approached us, we were eager to jump at it. After all, how often do you get to work on something that merges tech with culture? Because that was what we did when we took on Taste of Adriatic.

This platform offers users the chance to experience Balkan delicacies by ordering online. But the most interesting part about it was once two separate websites. Our experts at North South Tech combined them into one ultimate solution. Let’s show you how we handled this e-commerce website development project.


The E-commerce field is rather competitive. That’s why brands always look for ways to surpass their rivals at every turn. This is often more intense if you’re in the food niche. But you enjoy a dedicated customer base if you provide unique products.

This was the client’s advantage, being a top source of information on Balkan cuisine. But they had two websites, both attending to the same audience base. This caused various issues, ranging from referral mixups to lead-tracking problems.

The client realized these issues would affect the e-commerce platform’s sales. So, they searched for a web development company and came across North South Tech.


North South Tech created Taste of Adriatic: a marriage of two websites. We delivered a blend of appeal and functionality by combining their best features. This was a huge plus to the client’s already attractive reputation. Their expertise in Adriatic specialty seasonings, oil, and salts already pulls major engagement.

Our e-commerce web design allowed e-shopping features on the new project. Now, users can not only explore the vast collection of Balkan foods but also buy them. The new website includes:

  • Online Store: Its e-commerce web design features a vast gallery of Croatian delicacies. Users can scroll through the images, compare prices, and place orders.
  • Checkout Features: Orders enter a checkout basket until they’re ready. Customers can make payments and get their orders at specified delivery dates.
  • Customer Support Features: This e-commerce website development project includes reach-out channels. Users can engage in quick chats or make inquiries on their social media pages.
  • Dedicated Blog: This retained originality from the parent websites. So, when users aren’t shopping, they can read publications from enthusiasts.

Building Process

Working on this e-commerce website development project offered a unique challenge. Since the brand already had two existing websites, we had to combine their content. Plus, the new website needed to keep the original appeal from its parent sites.

So, our web development company strategized a roadmap that follows these steps:


Our e-commerce website development team analyzed every detail from the parent websites. This includes factors ranging from the target audience to the design templates. Knowing the client caters to a distinct audience gave us the needed edge in research. We could direct our focus on areas that offer the best data results.

Next, we compared various e-commerce sites under the client’s niche. This helped us weigh the market’s competitive intensity and areas where rivals lag. We avoided these errors by providing solutions that clogged them.

Then, we compared the most appealing aspects of the parent websites. This required running user surveys to confirm what they loved most about them. Finally, we combined the data with the client’s primary goal for the new site. Once done, we came up with a solid e-commerce website development plan.

Feature Specifications

Our team’s research revealed the key features this unique platform will need. We noted the product type, and client demographics to select relevant interactions. So, we focused on speed and attractiveness since it’s a food-based e-commerce platform.

This meant the site needed the most appealing product displays. It also meant adding widgets for selecting and making orders. Our web development company also included customer support, quick interactions, and payment features.

Deciding the right features was important for various reasons. Customers on e-commerce sites want to scroll through options as fast as possible. Clearer, flamboyant product displays also offer high audience retention. So, we added elements that meet these without overwhelming the site’s performance.

Design and Technology Development

Certain about what to add to the new site, we structured a UX/UI design plan. This meant picking brand-related color schemes and elements. But we also focused on an e-commerce web design interface that’s simple, yet attractive. Plus, we prioritized many display segments for periodic offers and discount promotions.

Our developers noted the needed similarities and removed irrelevant elements. We ran steady feedback with the client and added details from their review. By the end of the web development process, we had created a satisfactory first version.


Our web development company ran the new website through many tests. We gathered our developers to analyze the code structure and performance. Testers checked for load speed, security strength, and functionality. Our QA experts also ran many A/B tests against the parent sites’ performance.

Then, we brought in focus groups to give feedback from a user’s perspective. Every review helped us tweak the website to perfection. Finally, we matched its current reports with established market insights. Once convinced it was ready, we assured the client the website was ready for launch.


The result was an exceptional e-commerce platform that houses the best of two worlds. Legacy features from the parent site meant the client retained its original audience. Plus, its new e-commerce web design meant its audience could become customers. With its attractive store and checkout options, users could enjoy delicious Balkan products. Plus, the client now has its total audience base unified under one roof.


Taste of Adriatic seemed like a tough one. But as always, it was a simple nut to crack for North South Tech. Our e-commerce website development team displayed the highest professionalism. And the end is a product that ensures both client and user satisfaction. 



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